Month: May 2020
Hatap natya Natjrw bw – Place Where Gods Rest
The Place where gods rest is in front of the Sanctuary. Dwelling Place of the Gods and Birth House of the Strong Horus, are its names. It is 23 2/3 by 9 Cubits. The shrines of the gods, who’s beauty is praised, are kept here; the Divine Pasadjat Ennead of Masan Harpoon is depicted on…
Hatap rad Naswt ra sakhamat, Har kya na saHari Hw swaH idw Sama’w sarakhyw wapwtya sakhamat – Offering the Pharaoh gives to Sakhamat, and another for exorcising the plague beating wind, the demons of disease, the evil spirits, messengers of Sakhamat.
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sat war – Great Seat
The Great Seat in the midst of the chapels and surrounded by the corridor mentioned, measures 19 3/6 cubits by 10 1/3 cubits. The doors of the corridor are to its right and left, and give access to the surrounding chapels. The processional barqe of the Deity with the Dappled Plumage, His magnificent portable shrine…