The Great Seat in the midst of the chapels and surrounded by the corridor mentioned, measures 19 3/6 cubits by 10 1/3 cubits. The doors of the corridor are to its right and left, and give access to the surrounding chapels. The processional barqe of the Deity with the Dappled Plumage, His magnificent portable shrine next to it, and His great Naos of black stone that is next to both of them, they are wonderful to behold. His Seat is of the Talon in heaven, his Dwelling on earth, His throne Seat in the temple heaven is inscribed with the Divine Ennead of the nome. The rituals of the Lord are dedicated to Him (Horus-Behdety); Revealing the God’s face, Offering Ma’at to its Creator (Ra), and Burning Incense for the Processional Boat.
About the Great Seat
The Great Seat is the place where the Living Statue of Horus-Behdety sat in its naos. Originally the naos was in the north west corner, but was moved during Mariette’s excavation in 1860. In the center of the room rests a pedestal where Horus’ portable shrine and festival boat would stand. The facade of the Great Seat is inscribed with the morning litany, that was sung during the Morning Rites. The living statue was approximately 23 inches high, composed of gold plated wood and laid with precious jewels.