Shatjyat – Sanctuary of Sokar

The Shatjyat Sanctuary of Sokar, to the west of it and decorated with the protector gods (see below), is 7 5/6 cubits by 6 2/3 cubits… These are the palaces of Iun (Osiris) in BaHadat (Behdet). His forms have been carved on the walls of the three chambers. The two weeping and mourning women, the two sisters, protect him; they are the two kites, Isis and Nephthys, are the ones who transfigure his Ka’a spirit. The four Asabat goddesses protect the bier. The four Anubis gods, the four door-keepers of the netherworld […], the sharp-eyed protective gods. The gods of the Netherworld, who do not leave their districts, are jointly responsible for his protection. Horus the Protector of his Father protects him. Thoth the Great One reads the festival ritual for him. The gods of BaHadat, the Children of Horakhty, the living Ba’a spirit of Ra in the midst of his children and the netherworld gods, who guard the Nome [and] his [towns], are in their place, and watch over him.

About the Shatjyat

One of three chapels in the north-west of the corridor devoted to the cult of Osiris. This sanctuary dedicated to Sokar as the syncretized Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. Combined with the Mansion of the Prince, these chapels are the Portals of the Pillar-god Osiris. This chapel represented the tomb of Osiris in Man nafar (Memphis). Reliefs show Isis reassembling Osiris after being dismembered by Seth in the Ptolemaic mythos of the Contendings of Horus and Seth.

Chapel Shatyat relief
Relief in the chapel (Image: Kurth, 2004)
Djaba'a Hieroglyphs
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